Santa Barbara City College's grassy lawn overlooks the ocean.


Welcome to Purchasing


What We Do

Purchasing is charged with upholding the public’s trust by obtaining the maximum, cost effective value in procuring goods and services, which supports the District’s educational mission and goals.  Purchasing ensures that the requested goods and services are allowable under California Constitution Codes and the District’s Board Policies and Administrative Procedures.  Purchasing is responsible for:

  • Purchases and distribution of supplies, equipment and materials
  • Contracts for services
  • Receiving and Shipping
  • Surplus
  • Furniture Moves
  • Mail Distribution
  • Campus-wide Shredding 

Scroll down for instruction, forms, guidance and more information.

Purchasing Offices are located in A 120 & A 125 in the MacDougall Administration Building and Central Receiving is in ECC 42 on Loma Alta Drive under the bridge.  We are available to support you Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm.  Please contact us at 805-730-4162 or 805-730-4161 (Office) prior to visiting us.  You may also request assistance by emailing or by visiting the Purchasing/Accounting helpdesk (weekdays 9-10 AM).  Thank you for your cooperation, we look forward to collaborating with you!

Click here for help with identifying standard procurement and invoice paths for all expenditures.

Contact the Campus Store at x4355 or to obtain common office and instructional supplies.

Requester - Follow the instructions below to expedite and streamline the request and order process.

  1. Write the following information directly on the invoice:
    • Full budget code/string
    • Authorizing signature and date
    • Vendor K Number (Have the vendor upload their completed and signed W9 if you do not know the K number) 
  2. Scan and email the invoice as follows:
    • Email to the person who authorizes your expenditures and copy and
    • Subject:  PO for Invoice - Vendor Name/Requester Last Name (e.g. PO for Invoice - ABC Company/Garnica)
    • Body of Email:  Please “Reply to All” with Approval or Denial of the attached invoice. 
    • Attach invoice as PDF.


  • The request will be logged into Purchasing's Requisition Log shared via Google.
  • A purchase order will be created to encumber the expenditure and streamline the invoicing process.
  • The Requisition Log will be updated with the purchase order number and other important information.

Requester - Follow the instructions below to expedite and streamline the request and order process.

  1. Obtain at least 1 vendor quote or online approved vendor shopping cart that includes tax and shipping (if applicable) based on the total estimated total cost of the request as follows:
    • Up to $10,000.00 - 1 quote
    • $10,000.01 to $109,299.99 - 3 quotes or 1 quote from a cooperative contract
    • $109,300.00 - 1 quote to be used as specifications to process a formal advertised bid.
  2. Have the vendor upload their completed and signed W9.
  3. Complete a fillable Department Requisition Form.  You will need to click the link and save the form prior to completing it.  You do not need to obtain signature approvals on the form at this time.
  4. Obtain authorizatons and submit to Purchasing via email as follows:
    • Email to the person who authorizes your requests and copy
    • Subject:  "Dept Req - Vendor Name/Requester Last Name" (e.g. Dept Req - ABC Company/Garnica)
    • Body of Email:  "Please reply-all with approval or denial of the attached request."  You may provide additional information here.
    • Attach completed Department Requisition and quote(s) as PDFs.
Purchasing & Warehouse 
  • The request will be logged into Purchasing's Requisition Log shared via Google.  
  • Requests are reviewed for accuracy/completeness.  Incomplete requests will be placed on hold until resolved by the requester.
  • The appropriate procurment path will be identified based on the total amount of the request, the number and type of quote provided and current bid requirements.
    • Up to $10,000.00 - Converted to purchase order, forwarded to the vendor and copied to the requester.
    • $10,000.01 to $109,299.99 - Submitted quote(s) will be used as specifications to process an informal bid (RFQ/RFP) administered by Purchasing.  A purchase order will be created, forwarded to the vendor and copied to the requester based on the results of the informal bid.  The informal bid process takes approximately 2-3 weeks.
    • $109,300.00 and over - Submitted quote(s) will be used as a specification to process a formal advertised bid administered by Purchasing.  A purchase order will be created, forwarded to the vendor and copied to the requester based on the results of the advertised bid.  The formal bid process takes approximately 4-8 weeks.
  • The Requisition Log will be updated with the purchase order number and other important information.
  • Receive, inspect and log the request.
  • Deliver to the requester/end user.
  • Coming Soon - The Requisition Log will be updated to show completion of the purchase order

Requester - Follow the instructions below to expedite and streamline the request and order process.


  1. Negotiate the required service with the professional expert or independent contractor.
  2. Request and obtain a quote/proposal/statement of work showing the information below.  A blank template quote may be shared with the professional expert or independent contract if necessary.  The template quote must be downloaded and saved prior to completing.
    • Vendor’s name and business information (address, phone number and email address).
    • Description of service(s).
    • Date(s) or schedule of service(s).
    • Schedule of payments if vendor is to be paid in installments.
    • Total cost of service.
  3. Request the professional expert or independent contractor to upload their completed, signed W9.  You may provide them with a blank W9 if necessary.  (Tip: the expert/contractor may need to download and save the W9 prior to completing.)  Only Page 1 of the W9 is required to upload. The W9 is used to assign a vendor K number or update an existing K number.
  4. Use the gathered documents to complete a Contract Request Form. (Tip: the expert/contractor may need to download and save the form prior to completing.)
  5. Obtain authorizations and submit to Purchasing via email as follows:
    • Email to the person who authorizes your requests and copy
    • Subject:  "Contract Request - Vendor Name/Requester Last Name" (e.g. Contract Request - ABC Company/Garnica)
    • Body of Email:  "Please reply-all with approval or denial of the attached request."  You may provide additional information here.
    • Attach completed Contract Request Form, quote/proposal/statement of work (SOW) as PDFs.


  • The request will be logged into Purchasing's Requisition Log shared via Google.
  • Requests up to $10,000.00 will be reviewed for acurracy/completeness, converted to purchase order, forwarded to the vendor and copied to the requester.
  • Requests over $10,000.00 require a SBCC template contract or vendor contract and Board of Trustee approval.
    • SBCC template contract - Purchasing will complete a template SBCC contract and obtain the professional expert or independent contractor's signature. 
    • Vendor contract - Will be forwarded to SBCC legal for review and submitted for Board of Trustee approval by Business Services.
    • The request will be submitted for Board of Trustee approval at the next available regular board meeting.
    • Board of Trustee approved contracts will be signed by VP of Business Services.
    • A purchase order will be created to encumber the total amount of the services and streamline the invoicing process.
    • The signed contract and purchase order will be emailed to the professional expert or independent contractor and copied to the requester.
  • The Requisition Log will be updated with the contract number, purchase order number and other important information.
  • Coming Soon - The Requisition Log will be updated to show completion of the purchase order.
All processing in support of SBCC public projects are adminstered by SBCC's Facilities and Operations department and Purchasing.  Contact Facilities and Operations staff at or 805-965-0581 x4096 for all public project purchases $15K and over.  
Click here for current bidding opportunities and public notices.

Use the table below to email your request to Purchasing.  Following the steps below will allow staff to triage, assign and respond to your request in a timely manner.

Incoming Shipment -
No Purchase Order Need Status - Vendor Name I am expecting an incoming shipment that is not associated with a purchase order.  Below is the information to assist you with tracking the order:
1.   Vendor name
2.  Shipping company name and delivery tracking number
Campus, building and/or room number where the items are to be delivered.
3.  Name and phone number where you can be reached.
Incoming Shipment - Purchase Order or forward original email showing PO number Need Status - PO Number & Vendor Name Please provide status of the subject purchase order
Dept Requisition (How to Request a Purchase Order) Requester's Immediate Supervisor and Dept Req - Vendor Name/Requester Name Please "reply to all" with your approval or denial of the attached request.

You may provide a brief description, total cost, need date and any other information the approver may need.
Independent Contractor/Consultant Request (Contract) Requester's Immediate Supervisor and Contract Request - Vendor Name/ Requester Name Please "reply to all" with your approval or denial of the attached request.

You may provide a brief description, total cost, need date and any other information the approver may need.
New Vendor New Vendor - Vendor Name

Please provide a K number for the attached W9 using the following vendor information:
1.   Representative Name
2.  Representative email
3.  Representative phone number

Vendor - Online Account Set-Up Online Vendor - Vendor Name

Please set up an online SBCC account using the following information:
1.   Vendor Name
2.  Web address
3.  Employee email address(s) for each person who requires access.

Furniture Move Furniture Move

Please schedule a furniture move as follows:
1.   Move From - Campus & room
2.  Move To - Campus & room
3.  Description of furniture to be moved
4.  Total number of items to move
5.  Date you would like the furniture moved
6.  Phone number where staff can contact you if necessary

Provide picture(s) if possible.

Surplus - Unusable Items Surplus - For Disposal

Please schedule the removal of surplus identified as unusable as follows:
1.   Remove From - Campus & room
2.  Inventory of items to be surplused to include brief description and quantity
3.  Date you would like the items to be removed
4.  Phone number where staff can contact you if necessary

Provide picture(s), weight(s) and dimensions if possible

Surplus  - Usable Items Surplus - For Reuse Please schedule the removal of surplus identified as usable as follows:
1.   Remove From - Campus & room
2.  Inventory of items to be surplused to include brief description and quantity
3.  Date you would like the items to be removed
4.  Phone number where staff can contact you if necessary

Provide picture(s), weight(s) and dimensions if possible


Coming Soon!
Daily mail services have resumed.  Mail is picked up from the US Post Office and sorted on each weekday morning.   You may pick up mail at the Information Desk Window next to A-119.  Your campus ID card will be required to receive your mail.  If you normally receive your mail on the West Campus, Schott Campus, Wake Campus or Cosmetology Academy you will need to come to the East Campus to receive your mail.  Contact the SBCC Operator at 805-965-0581 if you have any questions.
Campus-wide shredding is organized and scheduled twice per year during the summer and winter.  Purchasing will send a campus-wide email inviting you to partipate.  The cost of shredding is paid by the Purchasing department.

Q  - How do I request payment of an invoice I've received?  Write the account code or purchase order number on the invoice, sign and date the invoice to indicate you approve payment and forward to

Q - How do I obtain a quote?  Contact the vendor and request a quote for the items you are interested in or create an online quote with a vendor who provides online quotes.  Make sure to use SBCC information, not your personal information.  The quote should note the seller's name, address, phone, email, unit cost of each item, tax, and shipping (if applicable).  Please note that shopping carts are not quotes unless they contain all the previously mentioned items.  Coming Soon - Approved Vendor List

Q - How many quotes do I need to request?  You must provide at least 1 quote for expenditures up to $10,000.  Expenditures above $10,000 will be reviewed and may require additional quotes obtained through the Request for Proposal process or formal bid administered by Purchasing.  Coming Soon - Template Request for Proposal.

Q - Where are the instructions for requesting POs and contracts?  The instructions, forms and templates are located on Purchasing's web page in the accordian list as "How to Request a Purchase Order" or "How to Request a Contract for Personal Services."  

Q - Can I request a purchase order to be paid with more than one budget code?  Yes, simply note the budget codes and the percentage (or dollar amount) of the total to be applied to each code in the requisition submission email

Q - How long does it take to obtain a PO?  The length of time it takes to create a PO depends on the date the request is received by Purchasing, the total dollar amount of the expenditure and completeness of the request.   Requests up to $10,000 typically take 1-3 days.  Requests over $10,000 may take 5-10 days (depending on the number of quotes provided by the requester).  Any request that requires formal bidding will take a minimum of 4 weeks depending on the complexity of the request.  

Q - Why do I need to request a W9 from the vendor?  The W9 is used to screen the vendor and gather information required to make payments and report taxes.  W9s should be requested at least once per year.

Q - What do I do if I have a Purchasing emergency?  Email the Purchasing team at  Use "Emergency" as the 1st word in the Subject and briefly describe your emergency in 1-2 sentences.  One of our team members will reply to you with assistance.

Q - How Do I Order Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)?  Face coverings, gloves, hand sanitizer, and cleaning products for surfaces and electronic devices are purchased and provided by Campus Safety and Purchasing.  Individual departments do not need to purchase their own PPE.   Email your request to

Q - How do I request changes to an existing purchase order?  Email the Purchasing team at  Use "Change P000XXX" as the 1st word in the Subject.  Describe the change in 1-2 sentences.  Attach the new quote or invoice showing the changes.

Q - What form does my independent contractor need to complete as a company, as an individual? If the service is being provided by a company (uses a company tax id), you would use a Department Requisition.  If the service is being provided by an individual (uses soc sec # as tax id), then you use an Independent Contractor Request form.

Meet Our Team
Ruie Garnica
Purchasing and Warehouse Manager


Mark Zolezzi

Mike Whitham
Warehouse Assistant
  David Montoya
Warehouse Assistant
Mariel Zurita
Warehouse Assistant

Brian Moreno