Gates of the Pupfish lecture

ERTH 132 - Death Valley Field Course
April 9-13, 2025
Earth 132 is a five-day/four-night field course to study the geology and geologic history of the Death Valley region. Death Valley contains some of the most spectacular vistas anywhere including places where both the highest and lowest spots in the contiguous United States can be seen simultaneously. Death Valley is also geologically spectacular. Here the rocks reveal the geologic history of the western United States over the last two billion years. By studying the rocks and the processes that formed them, you will be able to piece together this history. In addition, you will see numerous examples of the geologic and hydrologic processes that are actively shaping Death Valley today.
On this trip, you will travel approximately 1200 miles. The trip will take you eastward through the Mojave Desert, then you will enter the southern end of Death Valley, explore Death Valley in its entirety, cross the Panamint Mountains, and visit the mining town of Darwin before returning to Santa Barbara.

looking at the San Andreas fault

Calico Hills syncline

camping under a starry sky

Devil's Golf Course

checking out the rocks

lecture in Death Valley

camp life

Charlie Brown roadcut

student examining rock face
Depart - Wednesday, April 9, 2025, 5:45 am
Return - Sunday, April 13, 2025, 6:00 pm
Cost - $104 plus unit fees
Add the course on the campus portal (either CRN # 67890, 67891, or 67893), and pay registration fee and field course fee within 7 days. If you do not pay the fees within 7 days, you will be automatically dropped from the class. Additionally, if you have an outstanding balance of any other fees on your account and it is not paid within 7 days of registration, you will be dropped from the field course. Be sure to check your campus account!
Scholarship Information - There is a limited amount of scholarship money available to qualified students. Scholarships are based on need and merit. Email Stephanie Mendes if you wish to apply for aid. Scholarship applications are accepted on a rolling basis beginning in January 2025. All scholarship applications are due no later than March 21, 2025. If applying for a scholarship, register as explained above and you will receive a credit to your account if you receive a scholarship. OR wait to register until after scholarships have been awarded and pay the balance of the course fee ($52).
Transportation - Santa Barbara Airbus and SBCC vans (no private vehicles).
Food - Staff from the School of Culinary Arts prepares your meals.
Accommodations - We do not camp at established campgrounds with rest rooms and/or shower facilities. You should be prepared to adapt as needed.
Support Staff - The Earth Sciences Lab and Field Technician, Kevin McNichol, organizes and supervises the logistics of the trip and camp setup. He is assisted by a group of volunteer field trip veterans known at the Woolly Crew. First aid kits are provided for each group and in camp if needed. Earth Sciences Tutors are also available to help you study.
Pre/Co-Requisite - In order to register for any field course through Earth and Planetary Sciences, a student must be currently enrolled or have taken one of the following courses: ERTH 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 122, 125, 126, 131, 132, 141, 151 or ENVS 115 or GEOG 101. If you do not fulfill the Pre/Co-Requisite, you can challenge the requirement. To learn more, please read: Pre/Co-Requisite Challenge for Field Courses.
- Field Course Information Sheet
- Equipment List
- Course Syllabus
- Student Conduct Agreement
Contact Stephanie Mendes or Kristen Sneddon or come by the EPS office in EBS 114!